University of Virginia Faculty Senate Meeting
Friday, December 13
2:00 – 4:00 PM
Bavaro Hall, Halloway Hall & Webinar
President’s update (UVA President Jim Ryan)
Provost’s update (UVA Provost Ian Baucom)
Welcome (Jim L., Jeri, Michael K.)
Review of minutes of 11/15/24 (All) [minutes attached]
Report of the Faculty Representative to the BOV (Michael K.)
Provost’s Office update (Brie, Maite)
PROV-004 discussion (Brian P., Maite, Jeri, All) [read-ahead attached]
AI in teaching and learning etc. discussion (Brie, Dave Strite [invited], All) [read-ahead attached]
Ad hoc Governance Committee discussion (Jim L., Jeri, All)
Free expression and academic freedom programming update (Scott Ballenger, All)
Updates of Standing Committees, Working Group(s), and At-Large Members of EXCO (Chairs and Co-Chairs, All)
Constitution and By-Laws updates (Aaron, Brian P., All)
Various other items - if not addressed in Committee and other updates
Athletics Advisory Council (Jeri, Jason K.)
Faculty Senate of Virginia (Aniko, All)
Accommodations including SDAC, religion, athletics, others (All)
Chairs Group (Jim L.)
Nominations (Michael K. and Nominating Committee)
Others tbd
Adjourn by 4pm