

Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda - December 13, 2024

University of Virginia Faculty Senate Meeting
Friday, December 13
2:00 – 4:00 PM
Bavaro Hall, Halloway Hall & Webinar

Webinar Registration


  1. President’s update (UVA President Jim Ryan)

  2. Provost’s update (UVA Provost Ian Baucom)

  3. Welcome (Jim L., Jeri, Michael K.)

  4. Review of minutes of 11/15/24 (All) [minutes attached]

  5. Report of the Faculty Representative to the BOV (Michael K.)

  6. Provost’s Office update (Brie, Maite)

  7. PROV-004 discussion (Brian P., Maite, Jeri, All) [read-ahead attached]

  8. AI in teaching and learning etc. discussion (Brie, Dave Strite [invited], All) [read-ahead attached]

  9. Ad hoc Governance Committee discussion (Jim L., Jeri, All)

  10. Free expression and academic freedom programming update (Scott Ballenger, All)

  11. Updates of Standing Committees, Working Group(s), and At-Large Members of EXCO (Chairs and Co-Chairs, All)

  12. Constitution and By-Laws updates (Aaron, Brian P., All)

  13. Various other items - if not addressed in Committee and other updates

    • Athletics Advisory Council (Jeri, Jason K.)

    • Faculty Senate of Virginia (Aniko, All)

    • Accommodations including SDAC, religion, athletics, others (All)

    • Chairs Group (Jim L.)

    • Nominations (Michael K. and Nominating Committee)

    • Others tbd

  14. Adjourn by 4pm