

Faculty Senate Meeting EXCO, May 10, 2023

Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Madison Hall Lower Level Conference Room amp; Zoom Webinar

Senators Present (14): Kim Acquaviva, Alan Beckenstein, Aaron Bloomfield, Aniko Bodroghkozy, Tish Jennings (Chair), Michael Kennedy (Chair Elect), Susan Kirk (Past Chair), James Lambert, Carol Manning, Peter Norton, Andrew Pennock, James Savage, Jeri Seidman, Sarah Stewart Ware

Guests Present: Ian Baucom (Provost), Maïté Brandt-Pearce (Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs), Amanda Flora (Chair, General Faculty Council), Brie Gertler (Vice Provost for Academic Affairs), Brad Kesser

Meeting Called to Order: 10:00AM

Report from the Provost Provost Ian Baucom
Provost Baucom shared updates on various initiatives and activities along with his thanks for the work EXCO has done this year. Includng SRII, Grand Challenges, Biotech, Admission s strategies, Global strategy and Summer education. Additionally, he discussed the ongoing concerns of online vs. in-person instruction, how it is structured and monitored.

Review and Approval of Minutes
Tish Jennings, Chair requests approval of the March 2023 Exco meeting minutes.

Committee Reports

Aaron Bloomfield, Chair

Two tabled proposals:

New proposal:

Aaron provided some additional information on online courses for nonresidental students versus online courses which are offered to residential students.

The group considered how best to structure the discussion of proposals (and the larger discussion of online learning) at the next Faculty Senate meeting.

Motion from AAC
Andy Pennock: Move to add to FS agenda
Kim Acquaviva: Seconds
Motion will be added to next Faculty Senate meeting agenda.

Report on Faculty Senate of Virginia
Aniko Bodroghkozy, UVA Faculty Senate of Virginia Rep

Aniko shared that updates from the recent Faculty Senate of Virginia meeting recently. 

  • UVA is allotted 3 spaces if we would like to have additional representatives. Walt Heinecke is also a current representative in the body as part of the AAUP.
  • She shared some ongoing issues that were discussed including Boards of Visitors as well as the Virginia Commission for Higher Education. Theis review committee will meet tomorrow, Aniko will look into this to provide more info.
  • Working on legislation that will apply to all VA universities and college related to the election/selection of faculty representatives to Boards of Visitors. Aniko will share the language for that proposal once it is complete.
  • Putting together a statement on faculty governance, academic freedom, and DEI.
  • Group noted that Faculty Senates should endeavor to meet with their Board of Visitors at least once each year.

Resolution from SOM re: Gun Violence
Brad Kesser

Brad shared that this resolution has been agreed upon unanimously by School of Medicine Faculty Senators.
He now brings this reolution to EXCO for consideration of presentation to the full Faculty Senate.

Motion is shared in Box

Motion to move to Faculty Senate agenda: Andy Pennock 


For: 14
Against: 0
Abstain: 0
This resolution will be added to the next Faculty senate meeting agenda.

New Business
Pamp;T Policy Revision
Maïté Brandt-Pearce
Maïté shared updates on the proposed changes to the P&T policy as the process is underway.

Summary of proposed changes is shared in Box


  • Discuss with members of the provost’s Pamp;T committee (past and present) to identify if other major areas in the current P&T policy require revision. - Dec 2022.
  • Discuss revision priority areas with the deans. - Jan 9, 2023.
  • Once the deans agree with revision goals, meet with other stakeholder groups:
    • School academic associate deans, school Pamp;T committees, and department chairs. - February 2023.
    • Faculty Senate leadership - TODAY
    • Faculty advisory committee
  • Based on this feedback, draft a revised policy.
    • Seek comments from stakeholder groups (deans, P&T committee, ADs, FA, and faculty advisory committee).
    • Incorporate feedback and seek broader faculty input.
    • Finalize draft with input from stakeholder groups.
  • Institutional approval.

Motion to move to Faculty Senate agenda: Andy Pennock
Second: Kim Acquaviva

Policy re: Academic General Faculty FS Membership
Amanda Flora

The group discussed representation of Academic General Faculty wth regards to how the bylaws are written.


Maïté can share data on the numbers of lecturers/instructors at the school level.

Aaron Bloomfield and Susan Kirk offered to share information with Amanda to assist in this process.
Suggestion to refer this to the Policy committee for the next academic year.
Additional suggestion to create an ad-hoc committee to manage this. – Michael Kennedy will move forward with this

Scheduling amp; Holding Meetings
Tish Jennings amp; Michael Kennedy
Tish shared that most peer institutions have a set schedule for meetings (rather than findng new dates each semester).
Classroom space, clinical schedules, etc. influence senator availability and may not be flexible.
Consider morning, evening, rotating versus set schedule.

Next Full Faculty Senate Meeting
Friday, May 12
Zoom Webinar

  • Minutes
  • AAC Motions
  • Discussion of Online Learning
  • Resolution on Gun Violence
  • P&T Revision Proposals
  • Committee Reports (verbal or written)

Meeting Adjourned Motion to Adjourn