April 19, 2024
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Senators Present or on Zoom: Kim Acquaviva, Aaron Bloomfield, Aniko Bodroghkozy, Eve Danziger, Rob Garrod, Jennifer Greeson, Bryon Gustafson, Natoya Haskins, Matt Hedstrom, Robert Hirosky, Rich Hynes, Tish Jennings, Michael Kennedy, Bradley Kesser, Jim Lambert, Craig Lefanowicz, Alicia Lopez Opere, Charlotte Matthews, Amy Odgen, Brian Pusser, Sue Saliba, James Savage, Jeri Seidman, David Vander Meulen, June West, Kenan Yount, Victor Zaydfudim
Ex-Officio & Guests Present or on Zoom: Dana Albon, Lanice Avery, Cathy Campbell, Todd Delong, Katia Dianina, Maxim Engers, Jay Fox, Avik Ghosh, Juliet Hatchett, Gustav Heldt, Nizar Hermes, Barbara Wilson, Ted Lendon, Stephen Macko, Katya Makarova, Carol Manning, Charlotte Patterson, Andrew Pennock, Paul Perrin, Eric Ramirez-Weaver, Sara Riggs, Anne Rotich, Patrik Sandas, Jaclyn Shepard, Daniel Spitzner, Mark Whittle, Brian Williams
Michael called the meeting to order at 2:03 PM.
Review and Approval of Minutes
Chair requests approval of meeting minutes from March 16, 2024.
Vote: All Approve
Result: Motion passes
Old Business
Senate Representation Bylaw changes – Aaron Bloomfield
Senate Opinion Survey Results Motion to amend bylaw sections III: Eligibility and IV.B. Membership.
Section III: Eligibility
Those persons shall be eligible for election to the Faculty Senate who have been appointed to a salaried faculty position at the University of Virginia at Charlottesville, except for those who are ex-officio members of the Senate.
Section IV.B: Membership
There shall be approximately eighty-three elected members of the Faculty Senate, allocated among the constituent Faculties of the University of Virginia at Charlottesville in accordance with the following formulas: The Faculty of each School (except the Graduate of Arts and Sciences) shall elect the number that is closest to the percentage of eighty-three that is derived by taking the average of (a) the percentage of the total salaried faculty at the University of Virginia at Charlottesville who hold their primary appointment in that school, with those not in a school forming their own delegation as if it were a school.
Brian Pusser motion to vote. Eve Danziger seconded. Amend motion by Aaron Bloomfield to verify “83” number Tish Jennings seconds. The vote will be online.
New Business
Academic Affairs Committee – Sue Saliba
The committee voted unanimously to close two concentrations in the master’s Program of Arts & Sciences. They are World Religions, World Literatures and Religion, Politics, and Conflict.
Election Statements
Chair-Elect candidates: Kim Acquaviva and Jeri Seidman
EXCO At Large (vote for two): Kay Neeley, Andrew Pennock, Eric Ramirez Weaver, Jim Savage, and Jessica Sewell
Senate resolution to call for change to Provost Policy 004
Brian Pusser’s motion:
I move that the following proposal to revise PROV-004 be placed on the agenda for discussion by the full Senate during its April meeting. PROV-004 should be revised to incorporate the following protocols:
In year six, an AG faculty member would be subject to a selective review by the school P&T committee.
The result of the review would be a recommendation (a) to reappoint with promotion, (b) to reappoint without promotion, or (c) to not reappoint.
If the faculty member was reappointed (with or without promotion), the employment commitment defined in the current PROV-004, section IV.D. would be earned.
If the faculty member was reappointed without promotion, the faculty member could seek promotion in a later year.
There will remain 12-month standards of notice after a non-renewal.
Bill Kean spoke and serves on the Executive Committee of UVA’s American Association of University Professors. Maite Brandt Pearce spoke as the Provost for Faculty Affairs. Tish Jennings moved to continue debate; Amy Ogden seconded.
Motion to table by Aaron Bloomfield, second by Jeri Seidman. Motion passes. Two against. Two abstain. Will reconvene at EXCO in May.
Brian Pusser motioned with I move that the Senate Chair create and convene an ad hoc task force to develop a resolution presenting the Senate’s stance on support and protection for faculty speech and teaching. The ad hoc committee shall bring a resolution to the May 2024 meeting of the Senate for discussion with a vote to be held electronically after the meeting. Aniko Bodroghkozy seconded. Vote to put this up for a vote, 75% required to pass. Forty-nine present for the vote, Twenty nine for, one abstention, motion does not pass.
Let Michael know if you want to help write questions for Provost Baucom.
Motion to adjourn Kim Acquaviva
Seconded by Jeri Seidman
Motion Passes
Meeting adjourned at 4:15 PM