2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Rouss Robertson 225 & ZOOM WEBINAR
Senators Present or on Zoom: Peter Abramenko, Kim Acquaviva, Huiwang Ai, Dana Albon, Alan Beckenstein, Aaron Bloomfield, Aniko Bodroghkozy, Matthew Bolton, Davied Callender, Cathy Campbell, Andre Cavalcante, Ming-Jer Chen, Lisa Colosi Peterson, Nomi Dave, Todd DeLong, Katia Dianina, John Dillery, Thomas Druzgal, Rob Garrod, Avik Ghosh, Jennifer Greeson, Vanessa Gregg, Bryon Gustafson, Juliet Hatchett, Meredith Hayden, Matthew Hedstrom, Gustav Hedstrom, Robert Hirosky, John Hott, Michael Kennedy, Anne Kenworthy, Jim Lambert, Matthew Lazzara, Craig Lefanowicz, Ted Lendon, Amy Ogden, Alicia Lopez Opere, Stephen Macko, Carol Manning, Charlotte Matthews, Charlotte Patterson, Andrew Pennock, John Pepper, Paul Perrin, Brian Pusser, Eric Ramirez-Weaver, Michael Rasbury, Sue Saliba, Patrik Sandas, Jim Savage, Jeri Seidman, Maria Luisa Sequeira Lopez, Dan Spitzner, Judith Thomas, David Vander Meulen, Robert Vinson, June West, Mark Whittle, Kenan Yount, Eli Zunder
Ex-Officio & Guests Present or on Zoom: Ian Baucom, Maite Brandt-Pearce, Brie Gertler, Ken Kipps, Jerilyn Teahan
The results of the May vote on the Resolution of Solidarity: 2 Abstain, 11 Against, 50 For
Introductions and Welcome by Jim Lambert, Jeri Seidman, and Michael Kennedy
Provost Baucom
The Task Force on Religious Diversity & Belonging was announced in December of 2023 and they worked throughout the spring. Their charge was to examine the experience of religious minorities at UVA and assess opportunities for students to learn about religious cultures and traditions other than their own, participate in communities of faith, and form genuine connections with those from other religious backgrounds then offer recommendations on these issues.
The task force made more than 30 recommendations. University leaders have reviewed the recommendations and identified immediate actions to take, including some in addition to those in the report. The remaining recommendations require further consideration, and updates will be provided as plans for implementation develop.
Immediate Actions:
Assess spaces on Grounds for prayer or quiet meditation to determine if additional spaces are needed,
Improve communications about the availability of kosher and halal options and whether options need to be enhanced,
Enhance communications with students and faculty about requesting and granting religious accommodations,
Review Inclusive Excellence efforts to ensure that they fully recognize the spectrum of religious identities as an aspect of Inclusive Excellence,
Expand the existing group of local faith leaders that meet with President Ryan and make those meetings more frequent,
Provide student orientation training regarding the University’s Preventing and Addressing Discrimination and Harassment Policy HRM-009,
Increase opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to build skills in interacting across differences,
Work with the schools and deans to conduct a thorough assessment of UVA’s academic resources in topics such as religious traditions and cultures, the history and geopolitics of the Middle East, and conflict resolution, and provide Provost Office support to help recruit faculty in areas where there are gaps or opportunities,
Provide additional Provost Office funding for conferences, symposia, and other academic programming related to religious histories and cultures, relations between religious groups in the US and globally, and related topics.
Designate a Victim’s Advocate and Coordinator within the University Police Department who is experienced in handling all types of religious intolerance,
Designate a lead coordinator to work within the Offices of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights in partnership with Human Resources, Student Affairs, the Provost’s Office, and the Health System in responding to reports of religious intolerance connected to national origin and ethnic ancestry.
Renew our fact basis for continually gathering and reviewing date to inform decision: extend commitment to ongoing SERU surveys and gather additional survey information on a regular basis from undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, and staff.
Work with the Interfaith Student Center to provide more robust opportunities for interfaith social activities and dialogue.
Consider how our Student Health and Wellness programs, and the work of the Contemplative Sciences Center, can more fully recognize the ways that religion, spirituality, purpose, and meaning can contribute to well-being.
Study the recommendation to consider a chaplaincy/faith advisor program with a partner organization that is responsive to the breadth of student needs in religious identity and connection with and across faith traditions and consistent with out constitutional obligations as a public institution.
Review the official holiday schedule and leave policies to consider allowing greater flexibility for employees.
In cases where University leadership decides to address a critical incident, and when timing allows, consult affected groups to benefit from their perspective and seek their advice.
Provost Baucom talked through some additional action items, including designating a victim’s advocate and coordinator in the University Police Department and someone within the Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights to coordinate with partners across Grounds in responding to reports of any type of religious intolerance connected to national origin and ethnic ancestry. He also noted that the University will renew its fact basis by continually gathering and reviewing data to inform decisions.
Reflection and discussion of academic freedom questions submitted by Faculty Senate in May 2024
Provost Baucom reminded everyone of his comments in the Spring of 2024. Reiterated that Academic freedom is a core value of the University, and we are committed to protecting the rights of our faculty to pursue research and teach courses on sensitive and controversial topics and to follow the evidence and truth wherever they lead, according to the standards of your disciplines, across all your areas of expertise.
Clarify official University policy on free speech and academic freedom:
Referenced the Faculty Handbook 3.1 Academic Freedom: UVA endorses the statement on Academic Freedom within the 1940 Statement of Principles of the American Association of University Professors
Referenced 2013 Faculty Senate statement on academic freedom
Referenced June 2021 statement adopted by the Board of Visitors Statement, which was put forward by a Committee on Free Expression and Free Inquiry and can be found on the UVA Free Speech website.
University policies identify specific areas where faculty conduct may infringe the rights of others or violate other responsibilities: faculty must ensure that they do not suggest that their personal political views are the views of the employer and faculty must ensure the evaluation of students is conducted fairly and without any perception of favoritism or bias.
What is the process when the Provost receives a complaint about a faculty member related to free speech or academic freedom?
Current policy needs revision and Maite Brandt-Pearce is leading this effort.
Some improvements to enact: Engage a faculty committee earlier in the process to help assess the allegation of misconduct and provide a recommendation to the dean.
In the new policy, want to clarify what is and is not a disciplinary action.
Add the requirement that the faculty be notified about the nature of the allegation prior to the initial meeting.
FOIA Request - send to the University Counsel FOIA Office for guidance.
Other Legal Issues and Support - University legal support is contingent upon the employee’s role and specifics of the situation.
Review and Approval of Minutes
Chair requests approval of meeting minutes from May 10, 2024
Motion to approve: Michael Kennedy
Seconded: Eric Ramirez Weaver
Vote: all in favor, no opposed, two abstain Meredith Hayden and Judy Thomas, motion passes
New Business
Michael Kennedy – Faculty Seante Board of Visitors representative
There was an unscheduled special meeting on August 22. It was mostly a closed-door session. During the first part, they discussed policy changes but did not vote on them. The second part was the final report from the task force on religious diversity and belonging. The board did pass a resolution to express their support, but they did not endorse the report. Faculty Senate may want to look at it and decide whether they want to endorse it.
Subcommittee Priorities for FY25
DEI Committee: Eric is working in conjunction with Rachel Spraker to remove “dead names. Another area is to continue working on religious freedom.
Grievance Committee: Juliet stated that the committee meets on an ad hoc basis when grievances arise. In the last month they have had one or more complaints that have not risen to the level of a committee vote. Jim added that one of the roles of the Grievance Committee is to promote the role of the Ombudsman and the faculty guides of the Provost Office.
Policy Committee: Lisa’s committee performs a consultative role when there have been proposed changes to a policy that pertains to faculty. The committee receives them from both the Provost Office and as the chair of this committee she is the faculty member representative on the University’s Policy Review Committee. This year the committee would like to bring in the opinion of more people. Maite added that she would like to create a committee to advise the Provost Office.
Finance Committee: Jim stated that the committee is interested in the Medical Center financial policy and how it has changed in the last few years along with the impact it has had on faculty and patients.
Academic Affairs Committee: Sue stated that the AAC Committee meets every other week reviewing new degree proposals, curriculum changes, minor, majors, and certificates. Proposals go through the IRA team then to AAC.
RTS Committee: Dr Ai was not present.
FRRRW Committee: Alan spoke on behalf of Brad. The committee will meet in the next few weeks. They plan to discuss open enrollment for medical benefits, retirement benefits, the creation of emeritus status for professors who no longer teach but do research, and Human Resources issues.
EXCO At Large members: Brian Pusser help people understand the finances of the medical center as it’s the interaction most people have with the University. There’s a difference between School of Medicine faculty versus Medical Center faculty.
Disability Committee (Ad Hoc): still working with on the SDAC recommendations. They are working on a request for additional budget.
Motion to adjourn: Aaron Bloomfield
Motion seconded
All in favor
Meeting adjourned