

Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, EXCO - November 10, 2023

EXCO Meeting
Friday, November 10, 2023 2:00 PM
President’s Conference Room, Madison Hall and Zoom

Senators Present and on Zoom:  Kim Acquaviva, Alan Beckenstein, Aaron Bloomfield, Lisa Colosi Peterson, Jason Druzgal, Amanda Flora, Tish Jennings, Michael Kennedy, James Lambert, Kathryn Neeley, Brian Pusser, Eric Ramirez-Weaver, Sue Saliba, Patrik Sandas, Jeri Seidman, Brian Wright

Ex-Officio and Guests: Maite Brandt-Pearce

The Chair called the meeting to order at 2:02 PM

Review and Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve EXCO minutes October 20, 2023:  Tish Jennings
Second:  Sue Saliba
Motion Passes

Old Business
Tish Jennings provided an update on Faculty Senate elections. There are five people running for the Board of Visitors representative: Charlotte Matthews, Sue Saliba, Eve Danzinger, Michael Kennedy, and Tara Hofkens. Each candidate should prepare a 250-word statement for the December meeting.

It was noted that the December faculty senate meeting conflicts with the Board of Visitors meeting but there’s hope that the timing will work out and the meeting will go forward.

There is a lack of instructions regarding Senate elections regarding how and when they should be held. This may be something to add to the agenda of a future meeting.

Jeri Seidman led a discussion on linking the faculty senate support to UVA’s resolutions on free speech and free inquiry. The Faculty Senate affirmed the resolution in April of 2022 so it should be noted, and a link made between the two webpages.  Discussion over how this relates to the Resolution in Support of Academic Freedom. It was decided to reach out to Leslie Kendrick for guidance.

Michael revisited the work on helping faculty who are overwhelmed by the number of SDACs they receive each semester. It was noted that this discussion and work needs to move from Faculty Senate to a higher level so there could be a larger discussion and problem solving. The senate will create a bullet list of concerns and bring this to President Ryan and Provost Baucom’s attention. Michael will reach out to specific people and put together actionable items.

New Business
Matie explained that UVA faculty will be asked to participate in the Coache survey in 2024. It is a faculty survey administered by Harvard every three to four years. The last survey at UVA was in 2020. It’s in the planning stage right now but should be out to the faculty in mid-February to mid-April. Maite asked that everyone encourage faculty to participate. It does not include the School of Medicine as they conduct their own survey. She has asked the Deans to not conduct other major surveys between now and then.

Academic Affairs Committee proposes to discontinue four-degree programs and one graduate certificate in the School of Education and Human Development after the Spring semester of 2024. The programs are:
Ed.S. in Counselor Education
Ed.S. in Special Education
Ed.S. in Higher Education
Ed.S. in Education Psychology
Graduate Certificate in Elementary Education

There have been zero students and no applicants in the last five years. The Academic Affairs Committee unanimously agreed to discontinue these certificates/program. These are certificate programs, and it was explained that if you are going to practice, you need a PhD. UVA will still offer a master and PhD program. The Academic Affairs Committee made a motion to end these certificates and program. Second:  Brian Pusser. Motion passes.

Committee Chair Updates
Sue represented Faculty Senate at the most recent Athletics Committee Meeting. The meeting looked at UVA’s policy on athletes missing class to other institutions in the ACC and the NCAA.

With the expansion of the ACC to include West Cost schools, there is concern about schoolwork because the heavier travel schedule. Not all athletics teams are affected the same so will need to keep that in mind. Inviting Carrie Heilman to speak to faculty senate and what faculty can do to support will be added to the list of future topics.

Finance Committee – Jason – there are concerns about the changes to UVA financial model. Many people do not understand the changes that Workday brought and how the schools receive grant money F&A vs the 22% tax if there is not F&A. How does the impact research? There were presentations last year to the Finance Committee but what about having a presentation to the full senate? There’s a difference between how the new system affects smaller vs larger schools. Is someone negotiating with the state? Senators feel like it would be to have an update and be informed with discussions that are happening. It was suggested that the committee reach out to Bill Ashby for an update.

Catherine Bradshaw is coming to the November 17 full senate meeting to discuss the VPR search. There will also be a presentation from the Honors Committee

Motion to Adjourn:  Tish Jennings.
Seconded:  Aaron seconds.
Motion Passes.

Meeting Adjourned.