

Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, EXCO - November 11, 2022

Date/Time/Location: Friday, November 11, 2022 / 1:00pm / Zoom Webinar & President’s Conference Room

Members Present: Alan Beckenstein, Aaron Bloomfield, Aniko Bodroghkozy, Jim Fitz-Gerald, Tish Jennings (Chair), Michael Kenney (Chair Elect), Susan Kirk (Past Chair), Jim Lambert,Carol Manning, Peter Norton, Andy Pennock, Eric Ramirez-Weaver, Jim Savage, Jeri Seidman, Sarah Stewart Ware

Guests/Others Present: Maïté Brandt-Pearce (Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs), Brie Gertler (Vice Provost for Academic Affairs), Robert D. Hardie (Vice Rector, Board of Visitors), Ken Kipps (Chief of Staff to the Provost), Hon. L.F. Payne (Board of Visitors)

Meeting Called to Order: 1:02 PM

Brief Introductions

EXCO members introduced themselves to the BOV members joining this meeting.

Discussion with Board of Visitors Members

Board of Visitors Vice Rector Robert D. Hardie and member The Honorable L.F. Payne engaged in a detailed discussion with EXCO members sharing their thoughts on the Faculty Representative position to the Board of Visitors.

The complete conversation can be viewed on the meeting recording.

Approval of Minutes

Chair Tish Jennings shared minutes from the October 2022 EXCO Meeting to review.

Peter Norton requested that the minutes be revised.

Chair Jennings will send the revised minutes for approval via email.

Unfinished Business
Chair Tish Jennings

Susan Kirk: Move to take Bylaw Amendment #5 off the table for the next Faculty Senate meeting. (The full motion is available in Box and was sent via email).
Second: Andy Pennock

Dr. Kirk provided explanation on her request to take this motion off the table. She noted as Chair of the Nominating Committee that deadlines for soliciting nominations for next year are coming up soon and will require a vote on this matter to determine how many names are solicited for the Faculty Representative position.

Point of Order: Aaron Bloomfield requested a point of order on the process of taking the motion off the table.

Ron Christie, Parliamentarian, clarified that EXCO may take the motion off the table to allow it to be in order for the next Faculty Senate meeting.


For: 11
Against: 2

Chair Jennings made a motion to reconsider the four bylaw amendments which were voted on after the last Faculty Senate meeting owing to the lack of discussion of the amendments before the vote.
Second: Alan Beckenstein


For: 10
Against: 3

Nominating Committee
Past-Chair Susan Kirk
Susan Kirk shared that the Nominating Committee will be made up of herself, Chair Elect Michael Kennedy, Kevin Lehmann, Aniko Bodroghkozy, and June West.

Dr. Kirk requests approval from EXCO for the proposed members of the nominating committee.
For: 13
Against: 0

Next Full FS Meeting Agenda
Chair Tish Jennings
Chair Jennings noted that the next full Faculty Senate meeting will take place on Zoom only.

Proposed items:

  • Discussion of BOV Representative Bylaw Amendment

  • Motion to Reconsider Bylaw Amendments 1-4

  • Update from Nominating Committee

  • Committee Report - AAC

Vice Provost Brie Gertler shared that she can attend a future meeting to present information on the strategic planning happening in collaboration with Vice Provost Steve Farmer around undergraduate enrollment.

New Business
Chair Tish Jennings shared that BOV member Bert Ellis has offered to attend a future meeting of EXCO or the Faculty Senate. After some discussion, Chair Jennings determined that they will wait until January to consider the request and continue discussion at that time.

Sarah Stewart Ware shared that she has worked on edits to the current Bylaw Amendment #5 to better clarify how nominees for the Faculty Representative will be selected utilizing rank-choice voting.

Mr. Christie clarified that this would be a subsidiary motion; a motion to amend. He noted that the assembly must move to act on the request to amend before acting on the underlying question.


Ms. Stewart Ware will email the amendment to be considered for addition to the agenda of the next full senate meeting.

Meeting Adjourned
Motion to adjourn: Susan Kirk
Second: Sarah Stewart Ware
Meeting adjourned: 2:07 PM

Revised minutes from the October 11, 2022 EXCO meeting were shared via email.
Motion to approve revised minutes.
Yes: 6

  • Susan Kirk

  • Eric Ramirez-Weaver

  • Peter Norton

  • Aaron Bloomfield

  • Michael Kennedy

  • Jim Fitz-Gerald

No: 0

At the EXCO meeting on November 11, the motion raised by Aaron Bloomfield entitled: Change in Election of Board of Visitors Representatives was taken from the table. At that meeting, EXCO member Sarah Ware raised a motion to amend the amendment as follows:


Change in Election of Board of Visitors Representatives Amendment
Original Text

Amended Text

A slate of three potential Faculty Representatives to the Board of Visitors will be selected by the Faculty Senate by January 31. The current Chair will automatically be included in that slate of three, if s/he is willing to serve. The Faculty Senate will elect additional potential Faculty Representatives to bring the total to three.

For the election, the nominating committee will solicit candidates to ensure that the senate can present a total of three potential Faculty Representatives. If the chair is willing to serve, the minimum number of candidates for the election is two. If the chair cannot serve, the nominating committee must solicit at least three nominations.

Faculty Representatives and two alternates will be presented to the Board of Visitors based on an election to be completed February 15.

For the election, the nominating committee will solicit candidates. The current chair will automatically be included as a candidate in the election, if they are willing to serve. If the chair is willing to serve, the minimum number of additional candidates for the election is two. If the chair cannot serve, the nominating committee must solicit at least three nominations. Nominees may be chosen from current members of the Faculty Senate or from the body of faculty eligible to serve on Faculty Senate.

Senators will vote for their preferred candidates by rank choice indicating preferences in sequence (e.g., first, second, third, etc.). They do not need to rank every candidate. The individual who receives the most first-choice votes will be presented to the BOV as the Faculty Representative, assuming they were ranked first by at least 50% of the voting senators. If there is no majority candidate, the Faculty Representative will be determined by taking the second choice vote of every senator who did not vote for one of the top two candidates as their first choice and adding that to the tally. The Faculty Representative must be ranked by a majority of voting senators.

Of the remaining candidates, the two candidates who received the highest number of first- and second-choice votes will be presented as the two alternates, assuming they were ranked by a majority of voting senators. If only two candidates were ranked by a majority of voting senators, the senate will initially present a representative and one alternate. The remaining seat will be filled by a runoff using traditional single-choice voting, and the winner of that election will be the second alternate. For the runoff, all remaining candidates will be on the ballot and additional candidates may be nominated.

Motion to add amendment to the full senate agenda.
Yes: 15

  1. Aaron Bloomfield

  2. Aniko Bodroghkozy

  3. Jim Fitz-Gerald

  4. Michael Kennedy

  5. Susan Kirk

  6. Jim Lambert

  7. Carol Manning

  8. Andy Pennock

  9. Eric Ramirez-Weaver

  10. Jeri Seidman

  11. Sarah Ware

  12. Kim Acquaviva

  13. Jim Savage

  14. Alan Beckenstein

  15. Agnes Swiatecka-Urban

No: 1

  • Peter Norton