Friday, October 11, 2024
2:00 PM
Senators Present: Jim Lambert, Andy Pennock, Aaron Bloomfield, Michael Kennedy, Sue Saliba, Jeri Seidman (proxy for Lisa Colosi Peterson), Jim Savage (proxy for Brian Pusser), Huiwang Ai, Jessica Sewell, Eric Ramirez Weaver, Brad Kesser, Alicia Lopez Opere, Brian Wright, Jennifer Greeson
Ex-Officio & Guests Present: Maite Brandt Pearce
This is a special meeting of EXCO to review the draft resolution by the volunteer group of senators. It is agreed to waive the notice of meeting. The vote is to advance the motion to the full senate of Friday, October 18.
Jeri makes a motion to put resolution on the agenda. Michael seconds. Discussion.
Motion by Eric to leave wording as is and open for discussion at the full senate meeting. Andy Pennock seconds.
Yes: 16,
No: 0,
Abstain: 1.
Motion passes.
Maite mentions that the faculty senate represents those with academic faculty not other affected faculty. Do the bylaws allow faculty senate to speak for others?
Jennifer moves to say those impacted. Brad seconds. Discussion: none.
Yes: 16,
No: 0,
Abstain: 1,
Motion passes
Andy motions to make the resolution broader than SOM faculty. It should include UPG and School of Nursing faculty too.
With time ending, Brian motions to put the draft resolution as edited on the full senate agenda. Sue seconds.
Yes: 16,
No: 0,
Abstain: 1.
Jeri motions to adjourn the meeting. Jessica seconds.
All in favor.
Meeting adjourns.