Friday, October 4, 2024
2:00 PM
President’s Conference Room, Madison Hall & Zoom
Senators Present: Huiwang Ai, Aaron Bloomfield, Juliet Hatchett, Michael Kennedy, Brad Kesser, Jim Lambert, Alicia Lopez Opere, Andrew Pennock, Lisa Colosi Peterson, Brian Pusser, Eric Ramirez Weaver, Sue Saliba, Jim Savage, Jeri Seidman, Jessica Sewell, Brian Wright, Kim Acquaviva
Ex-Officio & Guests Present: Ian Baucom, Maite Brandt-Pearce, Brie Gertler, LeAnn Carver, Troy Buer, Rachel Sheridan, Porter Wilkinson
Report of the Faculty Representative to the BOV Michael Kennedy
Rachel Sheridan and Porter Wilkinson from the Audit Committee of the Board of Visitors were in attendance to address the September 5 letter sent by the signers to the BOV. The BOV Audit Committee has engaged a DC law firm to investigate the concerns regarding clinical care, billing, and retaliatory behavior. One hundred and twenty-eight doctors signed the letter, but the Audit Committee does not know the names. They ask for full participation from the signers in the investigation. They need more information from them. The Audit Committee does not know how the results will be disclosed at this time.
Provost update (Ian, Brie, Maite)
Provost Baucom will attend the full Faculty Senate meeting on October 18. He is committed to working on the climate at UVA Medical Center and School in addition to working with the BOV and DC Law Firm when asked.
There was discussion about the timeline between Administration and the Healthcare faculty and why the faculty was discouraged from reaching out to Faculty Senate. Provost Baucom and Past Chair Michael responded that meetings held with the School of Medicine senators.
The investigation into the May 5 events is being launched this month so there will be parallel investigations happening.
It is noted that for future Dean searches, the Faculty Senate Chair will be asked to provide the name of someone to be on the search committee.
Free expression and academic freedom programming (Scott Ballenger)
The Provost Office has provided a budget to host free expression events. Scott hopes to strike a balance between urgent issues and bigger picture issues. Scott asked for a group to help him come up with event ideas. EXCO members offered suggestions on who should be included and what topics they would like to see.
Review/approval of the draft EXCO minutes from September.
Motion to approve: Jim Savage
Seconded: Aaron Bloomfield
All in favor. Motion passes.
Maite: The COACHE survey results are in. She will put slides together and share with EXCO before she presents them to the full Faculty Senate meeting on October 18. She appreciates any feedback.
Maite – the draft of the P&T policy has been vetted by several faculty committees. Now, the draft will be sent to the full faculty for their comments. She would like to send it out via Qualtrics so it would be broken into sections and allow people to comment on each part.
UVA Staff Senate (Adam Richard and Leigh Ann Carver)
The Staff Senate is open to and hoping to find areas where they can work with faculty senate to help each other. Staff Senate is currently work on parking. They also promoted the “Hoos Making an Impact” improvement process competition which is open until October 25.
Reports of Standing Committees, Working Group(s), and At-Large Members of EXCO
Nominating Committee: Michael is chairing the committee and stated the committee is gearing up.
FRRRW: Brad reminded everyone about the Health Benefits webinar on Tuesday, October 8 at 4:30.
AAC: Sue stated that two proposals for new degrees were presented to the committee from the School of Education. B.S. in Education for Special Ed and B.S. in Education for English as a Secondary Language. Both proposals passed the committee unanimously. Andy Pennock made a motion to these to the full senate and Jeri Seidman seconded.
Policy: Lisa Colosi Peterson stated that based feedback the committee is testing a mechanism to collect and collate feedback on proposed policy changes. Box has been created to collect this feedback. The committee is testing the process with a student policy.
DEI: Eric stated that the committee is still working on getting all the “dead” names removed from the IT systems.
Grievance: Juliet noted that one or more grievances in process. She asked senators to remind faculty that the grievance committee exists and is there to help.
Finance: Jim told the committee that they are looking into the finances of the University and hoping to learn more from Vice Provost Adam Daniel.
RTS: Huiwang Ai stated that the committee is discussing their scope. Things they are going to work on include policies regarding internal initiatives; ETF fund distribution transparency; and the post award process. Additionally, they like to find a way to improve Workday. Lori McMahon has agreed to come to their next meeting. The volume of religious accommodations continues to be a topic of discussion and concern.
Draft Motion for SoM (Jeri and Brian P.)
After discussing the drafted resolution, it did not move forward with a vote to take it to the full Senate on October 18.
Michael Kennedy moved to return the resolution to the volunteer committee with thanks and noted that the EXCO meeting provided the answers to some of the questions in the draft. The committee will rewrite it and will provide another draft by Friday, October 11.
Andrew Pennock seconded.
All in favor with Jim Lambert abstaining.
Jim read the remaining outstanding agenda items.
Motion to adjourn: Michael Kennedy
Seconded Jeri Seidman.
All in favor, motion passes.