November 15, 2024
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Darden Room 120 & Zoom Webinar
Senators Present: Peter Abramenko, Kim Acquaviva, Huiwang Ai, Dana Albon, Alan Beckenstein, Aaron Bloomfield, Aniko Bodroghkozy, Matthew Bolton, David Callender, Cathy Campbell, Andre Cavalcante, Stephen Culp, Eve Danziger, Todd DeLong, Katia Dianina, John Dillery, Rob Garrod, Avik Ghosh, Jennifer Greeson, Vanessa Gregg, Bryon Gustafson, Natoya Haskins, Juliet Hatchett, Meredith Hayden, Matthew Hedstrom, Gustav Heldt, Robert Hirosky, John Hott, Richard Hynes, Matthew Jull, Michael Kennedy, Anne Kenworthy, Brad Kesser, Jim Lambert, Matthew Lazzara, Craig Lefanowicz, Ted Lendon, Alicia Lopex Opere, Stephen Macko, Carol Manning, Charlotte Matthews, Amy Ogden, Geeta Patel. Charlotte Patterson, Andrew Pennock, Paul Perrin, Brian Pusser, Eric Ramirez Weaver, Michael Rasbury, Sue Saliba, Jeri Seidman, Maria Luisa Sequeira Lopez, Jessica Sewell, Ryan Smith, Christopher Thom, Judith Thomas, David Vander Meulen, June West, Mark Whittle, Brian Wright, Kenan Yount, Victor Zaydfudim, Eli Zunder
Ex-Officio & Guests Present: Maite Brandt Pearce, JJ Davis, Brie Gertler, Lori McMahon, Ian Mullins, Scott Ballinger
President’s update
With the November elections results, Administration is trying to assess the likelihood and mechanisms that might bring changes to the University and how they will affect operations. Things such as immigration/deportation, changes to research funding, potential abolishment of the Department of Education, restrictions on VISAs, changes to loan policies, changes to access to health care.
Finalizing details of the May 4 and days leading up to it review. He will speak with the BOV in Dec and report back after that.
Institutional neutrality or institutional restraint: at the request of President Ryan, a group created a statement about statements. The resulting advice is that the University should not weigh in on political or social issues that do not have anything to do with the school’s mission or values. Deans and dept chairs should also consider the same thing. This does not mean silence. There is nothing wrong with expressing empathy and directing students to resources.
NCAA ruling regarding NIL will affect how many scholarships UVA can award. The goal is to stay competitive athletically, so some amount of revenue sharing with athletes will be necessary to attract good athletes. However, it is not yet clear what is necessary to stay competitive, as there is currently such change in this area. UVA does not want to starve academics to feed the athletic department.
Questions: How would treating athletes as in state students affect the colleges’ budget?
Statement from Brian P regarding the history of decisions made by schools to not treat athletes the same as other students led to this. Sue S asked regarding equality with women sports and how this would affect their teams. How would community sponsorships affect NIL? Concern from Geeta about alumni at other schools forcing the schools to close their LGBTQ programs.
Provost’s update
AI: there’s an ad hoc advisory group of about 8-10 people investigating AI at UVA with a possible partnership with VA Tech. The Provost Office has endowed ten new chairs in AI, and they are working with school deans.
Brie will talk about AI and pedagogy at the December senate meeting.
Relaunching Three Cavaliers program.
Bolstering research IRB by investing in research computing facilities.
Five new endowed chairs came out of the Religious Diversity Task Force. The Provost Office is working with the school deans on the hires.
Currently hiring a Coordinator of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights and a Student Affairs Program Director.
Scott Ballinger is working on free expression and academic freedom programming.
Two dean searches Library and McIntire. All dean searches will include a faculty senator.
Questions from Senators:
Could UVA investigate university wide access to chatgpt and similar programs vs individual licenses.
Does UVA consider the impact on the climate with AI?
How does admissions use AI. It was suggested Steve Farmer join FS to discuss at a future meeting.
Welcome (Jim L., Jeri, Michael K.)
If you have agenda items, talk to a member of EXCO.
Review/approval of draft minutes from 10/18/24
Edit to fix Nomi Dave, motion to approve with edit by Michael Kennedy, motioned seconded. All in favor, motion passes.
The School of Medicine and Medical Center Resolution passed with fifty-five yes, four abstain, and one no. The resolution is posted on the faculty senate website.
Report of the Faculty Representative to the BOV
Michael reported that the next BOV meeting is December 4 and 5 and he will make a full report after that meeting. He read a letter from Rachel and Porter of the BOV Audit Committee updating the senate on the status of the Medical Center investigation.
Members of the senate asked questions regarding any effort being made to change the climate in the Medical Center and Medical School while the investigation is taking place. Members were reminded to contact Carolyn Saint with their concerns. There was an update that work was being done to softening the rules with United on Access but not sure if enough progress has been made to move the morale needle.
VPR Office discussion (UVA Vice President for Research Dr. Lori McMahon)
The role of the Office of the Vice President for Research is to set the strategic vision for research, and developing and executing initiatives to accomplish that vision, as well as the various compliance and support areas.
Lori went over the structure of the VPR and the responsibilities of each position.
Lori views her job as three tasks:
- Serve the research community across Grounds, in every corner, every space.
- Listen to the needs of the research community and act.
- Make sure the research support offices are running like a well-oiled machine.
In her interactions so far, she is heard that communications, OSP, IRB, and the timeline for setting up contracts all need to be improved.
Priorities list:
- Lab Archives: NIH requires any data created must be shared. Beginning July 1, 2025 all sponsored funded projects with NIH funding will be required to use LabArchives.
- OSP improvements for both pre and post award.
- Engaging with Research community through open forums.
Discussion: Information on the open forums will be emailed to senators for them to share with colleagues. A reminder for the VPR office that small funding awards are important too not just the big dollar grants. There is a new OSP dashboard. Stewart Craig is stepping out of his role in August so there will be a search to replace him.
COACHE survey on faculty recruitment, development, and retention
Maite started by saying all the data is available on the website along with her presentation slides.
This is an externally administered survey that UVA participates in every four years to track faculty satisfaction and compare to peer institutions.
Free expression and academic freedom programming (Scott Ballenger)
The Provost Office is willing to sponsor a variety of programs to lead the discussion in clarifying free expression vs academic freedom. Reach out to Scott and give him your suggestions.
Updates of Standing Committees, Working Group(s), and At-Large Members of EXCO
Policy Committee: has a box for faculty to comment on policies under review.
Grievance Committee: currently working on one or more cases. The committee will need a new chair for the Spring.
Finance Committee: Adam Daniel is attending their December meeting to explain University finances.
RTS Committee: meeting with Lori McMahon.
Aaron is working on refreshing bylaws, handbook, please reach out to him with suggestions or if you want to help.
Vision, FS Handbook and FS Constitution and By-Laws (Jim L)
Please review these and be prepared to discuss.
Various other items-- if not addressed in Committee and other updates
Faculty Senate of Virginia’s next meeting is January 9
Parking and Transportation Committee representatives Jessica Sewell and Ben Bennett, with Natasha as the alternate.
Elections –Upcoming election for the faculty representative to the BOV. The BOV requires a panel of at least three candidates, usually the current faculty chair plus two others. If anyone would like to serve on the Nominating Committee, please let Michael know. The upcoming election will be for Senate Chair Elect and two EXCO At Large members. There are also additional seats for senators to represent UVA at the Faculty Senate of VA.
Motion to adjourn by Michael Kennedy. Eve Danziger seconded. All in favor. Meeting adjourned.