October 18, 2024
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Halloway Hall & Zoom Webinar
Senators Present: Peter Abramenko, Kim Acquaviva, Huiwang Ai, Dana Albon, Aaron Bloomfield, Aniko Boadroghkozy, Matthew Bolton, William Brady, David Callender, Cathy Campbell, Andre Cavalcante, Ming-Jer Chen, Stephen Culp, Eve Danziger, Nomi Dave, Todd DeLong, Rob Garrod, Avik Ghosh, Jennifer Greeson, Vanessa Gregg, Bryon Gustafson, Peter Hallowell, Natoya Haskins, Meredith Hayden, Gustav Heldt, Robert Hirosky, Richard Hynes, Michael Kennedy, Jason Kerrigan, Brad Kesser, Jim Lambert, Matthew Lazzara, Alicia Lopez Opere, Stephen Macko, Charlotte Matthews, Amy Ogden, Geeta Patel, Charlotte Patterson, Paul Perrin, Lisa Colosi Peterson, Brian Pusser, Eric Ramirez Weaver, Michael Rasbury, Anne Rotich, Sue Saliba, Patrik Sandas, Jim Savage, Jeri Seidman, Maria Luisa Sequeira Lopez, Jessica Sewell, Ryan Smith, Christopher Thom, Judith Thomas, David Vander Meulen, Mark Whittle, Kenan Yount, Eli Zunder
Ex-Officio & Guests Present: Ian Mullins, Brie Gertler, Maite Brandt Pearce, Jim Ryan, Ian Baucom
President’s Update
The review of May 4, 2024 will start very soon. There have been different opinions on how to structure the review. The review will gather information on what led up to May 4, what and how decisions were made, and what changes should be made for the future.
Williams and Connolly Law firm has been hired by the Audit Committee of the BOV to investigate the SOM issues. President Ryan is not sure how long it will take and what can be shared. He made it clear that he is not involved in the investigation, so he has limited knowledge to answer questions. He asked that everyone participate in the investigation.
Review of November 2022 shooting – Administration is holding onto the report at the request of prosecutors as they don’t want to interfere with the upcoming trial.
What is the optimal role for the Faculty Senate in the investigation? Senate is playing a role by calling for a review. If there are individual senators that have information that would help in the investigation, please share. When the recommendations come out of the report, Faculty Senate should have a conversation about them and discuss which ones make sense and are there any missing.
Regarding the review of November 2022, Administration has worked to address safety gaps identified. The Threat Assessment Team has added new positions because the volume of reports has increased. Student Affairs have teams for students in crisis and threat so there are teams to help each one vs the same people involved in discipline. JJ Davis could come and talk about the specifics of what changes have happened.
Regarding SOM concerns, perception among some that the public letter made things happen but there were things happening before, Administration was working on concerns brought to them.
The University is working with the State to close a loophole in Virginia law regarding having firearms on campus. Because of ROTC programs and military schools like VMI, state law allows students to have firearms, but University policy does not. A bill to overturn that was vetoed last year.
The new policy on Protests hasn’t been tested much this semester as there have been few protests. There were two vigils during the week of October 7.
When the May 4 investigation starts, people with information need to come forward and share their information.
Ian Mullins stated that employees go to the Daily Progress when they feel that they are not being heard.
A question was asked regarding when does a letter of counseling become a form of discipline? Current policy says it’s not discipline. This might be a topic for Faculty Senate to discuss. The letters are issued without due process so it shouldn’t ever be counted as discipline.
Comment that there’s a mistrust of Williams and Connolly. Questions regarding the University paying for individuals talking to W&C to have their own attorney present. Would Administration pay for that? Response that the Attorney General makes that decision.
Comment that the Faculty Senate wants to work in partnership with Administration if there are issues. FS can give advice.
President Ryan offered to come to future Faculty Senate meeting to answer questions with the understanding that personnel issues can’t be discussed.
Statement that policies are always being reviewed. President Ryan is not sure if he will receive updates on the investigation as he needs to not be removed from the investigation.
Question regarding what is the definition of external and independent, BOV hires a firm on their retainer so that’s not independent. Any thought about letting Faculty Senate run the May 4 investigation. President Ryan said that independent means not having an involvement in the activities being reviewed. An internal person can be independent.
Medical Center billing practices were a problem a few years ago. A comment mentioned that we need to look at how did we end up here? What pressures led to it?
Report of the Faculty Representative to BOV – Michael Kennedy
Two BOV members, Rachel Sheridan and Porter Wilkinson, came to EXCO to discuss the Audit Committee’s hiring of Williams and Connelly to investigate the information in the letter sent to the BOV by 128 Physicians. Rachel and Porter could not make the full senate meeting today, so Michael read statement from them.
Provost’s Office Update
Provost Baucom said they’ve clarified the policy on protests since May.
The Faculty Senate Policy committee is helping more people get involved in policy review. Lisa Colosi Peterson stated that having a diverse perspective from faculty is helpful when reviewing policy.
AUP stated that UVA was in violation when those policies pushed out in August and asked to suspend those policies which Ian declined.
Administration is including a faculty senator on new Dean hires. There will be a senator on the next search for a Dean of the Library.
Approval of September meeting minutes.
Brian Pusser made a motion to approve, Jessica Sewell seconded. No opposed. Minutes approved.
Draft Resolution on the School of Medicine
A group of volunteers drafted a resolution in support of the SOM and presented it to EXCO. Edits were made after the EXCO meeting, and they are here today to present their draft.
Brian Pusser read the draft resolution. Brad Kesser made a motion and discussion began.
Edits were made until Michael Kennedy made a motion to approve, Brian Pusser seconded. Vote: All in favor. No opposed. Motion passes.
Brian withdraws his motion.
Brian motions and seconds to change to: Whereas the UVA Faculty Senate affirms the right of all faculty to raise concerns about their workplace; Vote: All in favor. No opposed. Motion passes.
Motion by Amy Ogden, Carol Manning seconded to change Whereas SOM faculty have raised concerns about bullying, retaliation, and secrecy in their workplace.
Vote: All in favor. None opposed. Motion passes.
The motion for vote reads:
Resolution on the institutional climate within the UVA School of Medicine and Medical Center
Whereas the UVA Faculty Senate affirms the right of all faculty to raise concerns about their workplace;
Whereas School of Medicine (SOM) faculty have raised concerns about bullying, retaliation, and secrecy in their workplace;
Whereas Senators representing the SOM have detailed the University administration’s awareness of the concerns;
Whereas it is difficult to reconcile President Ryan’s written remarks in support of UVA Health leadership with the actions described by Senators representing the SOM;
Whereas the Board of Visitors has commissioned an investigation into these matters;
Whereas the Senate is disappointed that University administration did not fully utilize the Senate’s role in shared governance in decision-making regarding how to investigate and remediate concerns in the SOM and Medical Center (MC);
Be it resolved that the UVA Faculty Senate:
affirms its support of SOM faculty;
understands the stated scope of the investigation to include 1) clinical care, 2) retaliatory behavior (including bullying, intimidation, threats, and retribution), and 3) spending and financial concerns, and the impacts of these on patients, faculty, staff, trainees and students at the SOM and MC;
encourages the investigation to also include review of all allegations of efforts to silence SOM faculty complaints and delay awareness of institutional climate concerns;
recognizes the voluntary nature of participation in this investigation, encourages members of the SOM and MC community to participate, and requests resources for them to be able to retain their own counsel during participation, if desired;
calls for the Audit, Compliance and Risk Committee of the Board of Visitors to commit to the timely public release of the report of the investigation with anonymity and redactions as required by law; and
calls for Senate and other peer-elected faculty involvement in decision-making regarding how to proceed based on the report.
Brian Pusser motions to approve, Michael Kennedy seconds. Vote to vote on this online. All in favor. None opposed. Motion passes.
Remaining Agenda items:
AAC: Sue presented two bachelor degrees for Senate approval.Bachelor of Science in Education in English as a second language education & Bachelor of Science in Education in Secondary Education. Motion made by Jeri Seidman, Jim Savage seconded. All in favor, none opposed, motion passes.
Finance Committee: Adam Daniel is coming to the December meeting to discuss the University finance system.
EXCO met with staff senate, will try to find common areas to work together.
Geeta requested that shared governance and academic freedom be added to future agendas.
Reminder about the October 23 gathering at Carr’s Hill hosted by President Ryan.
Jeri Seidman motioned to adjourn; Michael Kennedy seconded. All in favor. Meeting adjourned.