Date/Time/Location: Friday April 12, 2023 2:00-4:00 PM Rouss Robertson 123 (McIntire School of Commerce)
Senators Present (28): Kim Acquaviva, Aaron Bloomfield, Aniko Bodroghkozy, Cathy Campbell, Shu-Chen Chen, Lisa Colosi Peterso, Jim Fitz-Gerald, Matt Hedstrom, Hay Hirsh, Rich Hynes, Tish Jennings (Chair), Jamie Jirout, Michael Kennedy (Chair Elect), Michelle Kisliuk, James Lambert, Adria LaViolette, Alicia Lopez Opere, Kathryn Neeley, Peter Norton, Andrew Pennock, Paul Perrin, Brian Pusser, Eric Ramirez-Weaver, Sue Saliba, Patrik Sandas, James Savage, Jeri Seidman, Brian Wright
Proxies(9): Alan Beckenstein, Todd DeLong, Maxim Engers, Avik Ghosh,Susan Kirk, Bradley Kesser, Dan Quinn, Sarah Stewart Ware, June West
Guests Present: Gabrielle Bray, Maïté Brandt-Pearce, Maggie Harden, Brianna Kamdoum
Meeting Called to Order: 2:03PM
Faculy Salary Study
Kim Acquaviva, Faculty Salary Study Liaison & Maïté Brandt-Pearce, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Kim Acquaviva presented information and answered questions about the ongoing faculty salary study.
Slides will be available in Box.
Review and Approval of Minutes
Tish Jennings, Chair requests approval of the March 2023 Faculty Senate meeting minutes.
Candidate Remarks
Michael Kennedy, Nominations Committee
Candidates shared brief statements. Candidate's written statements will be available in Box.
Chair Elect
- Jim Lambert
- Peter Norton
EXCO At-Large (3 Vacant Positions)
- Aaron Bloomfield
- Bob Hirosky
- Michelle Kisliuk
- Matt Lazzara
- Brian Pusser
- Sue Saliba
- Jim Savage
- Brian Wright
- Ron Christie
Senators will receive a Qualtrics link via email to vote.
Committee Reports
AAC – Aaron Bloomfield, Chair
Aaron shared the following proposals which have passed AAC and EXCO and move to the Faculty Senate for approval.
- Master of Education in Educational Psychology - Social Foundations concentration - add online modality
- Master of Education in Administration and Supervision -- add online modality
Chair Jennings requested approval for both proposals by unanimous consent.
Objection to approving by unanimous consent
Discussion and questions. Senators requested additional information about how this modality will work.
Motion to table the motion to approve these proposals: Aniko Bodroghkozy
For: 14
Against: 12
Abstain: 9
Motion passes, proposals are tabled.
Honor Committee Faculty Relations Presentation
Gabrielle Bray, Honor Committee Chair & Brianna Kamdoum, Honor Committee Member
Gabrielle and Brianna presented updates from the Honor Committee, including changes that will be made as a result of the changes to the single sanction system. Senators may reach out to them directly if they have questions or would like more information.
Slides will be available in Box.
Meeting Adjourned:
Chair Jennings requested a motion to adjourn