Date/Time/Location: Tuesday, October 25, 2022 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Claude Moore Nursing Education Room 1110 & Zoom Webinar
Senators Present (51): Kim Acquaviva, Tony Baglioni, Alan Beckenstein, Aaron Bloomfield, Aniko Bodroghkozy, Francesca Calamita, Cathy Campbell, Eli Carter, Mathhew Chin, Lisa Colosi Peterson, John Comazzi, Stephen Culp, Todd DeLong, Jim Fitz-Gerald, Avik Ghosh, Vanessa Gregg, Jack Hamilton, Matt Hedstrom, Rich Hynes, Tish Jennings (Chair), Jamie Jirout, Matthew Jull, Michael Kennedy (Chair Elect), Bradley Kesser, Susan Kirk (Past Chair), Michelle Kisliuk, Jim Lambert, Adria LaViolette, Matthew Lazzara, Kevin Lehmann, Ted Lendon, Stephen Levine, Stephen Macko, Alyssa Mixon, Kathryn Neeley, Peter Norton, Amy Ogden, Andy Pennock, Brian Pusser, Eric Ramirez-Weaver, Kristina Richardson, Anne Rotich, Sue Saliba, Patrik Sandas, Jim Savage, Jeri Seidman, Jaclyn Shepard, Dan Sptizner, Sarah Stewart Ware, June West, Mark Whittle
Guest Presenters: Donna Broshek, Bethany Teachman
Meeting Called to Order: 1:04pm
Review and Approval of Minutes
Tish Jennings, Chair requests approval of the the September 13, 2022 Faculty Senate Meeting minutes.
Kevin Lehmann request that the September minutes be updated to include more of the discussion at the end of the meeting between the Chair, various Senate members, and the Parliamentarian.
The Chair postponed approval of the minutes. Minutes will be updated and reviewed at the next full Faculty Senate meeting.
Scheduling Meetings for Spring Semester
Tish Jennings, Chair shared that she will send a request for Faculty Senators to complete a When2Meet poll with their availability for the Spring semester. She will work to select times where the attendance probability is the highest. Ms. Jennings noted that finding a location for in-person meetings has been a challenge in addition to finding times that work for the majority of senators.
Committee Chairs Reports
Finance Committee
Jim Savage & Kim Acquaviva, Co-Chairs
Jim Savage shared that the committee has met twice; once as a committee only and once with Provost Ian Baucom and Vice Provost for Planning Adam Daniel. At the meeting with the Provost and Vice Provost the University Financial Model was discussed. Mr. Savage noted that the slides from this meeting could be shared if there is interest. He noted that the new split in the model is 70/30 home school to school of enrollment (previously 60/40) and that this favors the College slightly. Kim Acquaviva noted that the presentation was helpful and provided clarification about how the model allows for indirect costs to be better captured at the school level.
Q: Is there any discussion of moving back to the old model of allocation? Some schools have been significantly affected by this change.
A: Jim Savage: Do not think there is any interest in going back to the old way as it hurts the College. This model came about through the prior Provost and President.
Q: When does this go into effect?
A: Jim Savage: This is current.
Kim Acquaviva: Both the Provost and Vice Provost were clear that this is a model that is currently in place. They are optimistic about it but if there are areas where there is concern, they do want to hear feedback. Senators may reach out to the Finance Committee Chairs with questions and they will work to get clarification.
Nominating Committee
Susan Kirk, Nominating Committee Chair
Susan Kirk noted that the Bylaws mandate that the Chair empanel a Nomination Committee in October. The committee must have five members, they will include the current past-chair and the chair-elect. Kevin Lehmann has volunteered to serve on the committee and so two more members are needed. Only one of the two remaining positions may be filled by an Exco member. If you are interested in serving, please contact Susan Kirk or Tish Jennings.
Dr. Kirk noted that nominees must be completed by January. The BOV will choose both the student and faculty representatives at the Spring meeting scheduled for March 3rd.
Faculty Guides Program Presentation
Bethany Teachman and Donna Broshek presented information on the Faculty Guides program.
Program developed thru the Provost’s Office
Donna Broshek for faculty in the School of Medicine
Serve as independent resources to discuss challenging faculty issues and identify related institutional policies
Help ensure the appropriate use of policies to foster a more positive and equitable work environment
What We Do
One-on-one meetings with faculty (incl. Chairs)
Serve as a neutral, typically confidential, sounding board
Connect faculty to existing resources & note relevant policies
Gather info for faculty who have questions but want to maintain confidentiality
Annual webinars for faculty
Fall: 1) Retirement; 2) Supporting mental health (Dec. 8 12:00)
Spring: 3) Leaves; 4) Managing conflict & advocating for yourself
Provide feedback to Provost’s office about common concerns raised by faculty, points of confusion about policies, or possible inequities
Please reach out to learn more
Introduction of Resolution from DEI
Eric Ramirez-Weaver, DEI Chair
WHEREAS the Mission Statement of the University of Virginia states, “We are defined by: Our enduring commitment to a vibrant and unique residential learning environment marked by the free and collegial exchange of ideas; our unwavering support of a collaborative, diverse community bound together by distinctive foundational values of honor, integrity, trust, and respect;”
WHEREAS the Faculty Senate confirms our commitment to these principles;
AND WHEREAS, Mr. Ellis violated these principles when he came to the University of Virginia on Friday, September 11, 2020, prepared to vandalize a protest sign mounted by the student resident of East Lawn 36 with a razor;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Senate opposes the appointment of U. Bertram Ellis, Jr. to the governing Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Senate censures Mr. Ellis’ behavior which neither reflects the Mission Statement of the University of Virginia nor fosters the safe space requisite for the free investigation, deliberation, and exploration of ideas.
The vote on this motion will take place online after the meeting.
Discussion Regarding Proposed Bylaw Amendment Regarding BOV Representative
Tish Jennings, Chair
Amendments shared via email, Box link.
Various senators spoke in favor or in opposition to the amendment.
Motion to amend (change highlighted below): Susan Kirk
Second: Kim Acquaviva
A slate of three potential Faculty Representatives to the Board of Visitors will be selected by the Faculty Senate by January 31. The Current Chair will automatically be included in that slate of three, if s/he is willing to serve. The Faculty Senate will elect additional potential Faculty Representatives to bring the total to three. For the election, the nominating committee will solicit candidates to ensure that the senate can present a total of three potential Faculty Representatives. If the immediate past chair is willing to serve, the minimum number of candidates for the election is two. If the past chair cannot serve, the nominating committee must solicit at least three nominations.
For: 36
Motion: Jeri Seidman
Second: Susan Kirk
I move that the UVA Faculty Senate respond to the Rector’s request by providing a list of at least three potential Faculty Representatives to the Board of Visitors.
Point of Order: Brian Pusser
Request to discuss the motion.
Point of Order: Cathy Campbell
Request clarification on motion that has been made.
Point of Order: Brian Pusser
Is this motion out of order?
Parliamentarian: Opinion that this motion is in order.
5 minutes alotted by the Chair for discussion.
Vote on the motion
For: 23
Against: 22
Abstain: 3
Abramenko, Peter: No Vote
Hedstrom, Matt: NO
Ogden, Emily: No Vote
Acquaviva, Kim: YES
Hirosky, Robert: No Vote |
Otu, Kwame: No Vote |
Baglioni, Anthony (Tony): No Vote |
Hirsh, Jay: NO |
Pajewski, Thomas: No Vote |
Beckenstein, Alan: YES |
Hynes, Rich: YES |
Pennock, Andrew: YES |
Bennett, Ben: No Vote |
Jennings, Patricia (Tish): No Vote |
Pusser, Brian: NO |
Block, Andy: No Vote |
Jirout, Jamie: No Vote |
Ramirez-Weaver, Eric: NO |
Bloomfield, Aaron: YES |
Jull, Matthew: No Vote; |
Richardson, Kristina: ABSTAIN |
Bodroghkozy, Aniko: NO |
Kellams, Ann: No Vote |
Rotich, Anne: NO |
Calamita, Francesca: NO | Kennedy, Michael: YES | |
Campbell, Cathy: YES |
Kerrigan, Jason: No Vote |
Sandas, Patrik: YES |
Carter, Eli: NO | Kesser, Bradley: YES | Seidman, Jeri: YES |
Chen, Donna: No Vote |
Kinney, Anne: No Vote |
Seidman, Jeri: YES |
Chen, Ming-Jer: No Vote |
Kirk, Susan: YES; |
Sequeira-Lopez, Maria: No Vote |
Chin, Matthew: ABSTAIN |
Kisliuk, Michelle: NO |
Shepard, Jaclyn: No Vote |
Colosi Peterson, Lisa: NO |
Lambert, James: YES |
Smith, Philip: No Vote |
Comazzi, John: YES |
LaViolette, Adria: NO |
Smith, Ryan: No Vote |
Culp, Stephen: NO |
Lazzara, Matthew: YES |
Spitzner, Dan: NO |
DeLong, Todd: NO |
Lehmann, Kevin: NO |
Stewart Ware, Sarah: YES |
Dianina, Katia: No Vote |
Lendon, Jon (Ted): NO |
Stranix, John: No Vote |
Dillery, John: No Vote |
Levine, Stephen: YES |
Swiatecka-Urban, Agnes: No Vote |
Emery, Robert: No Vote |
Lopez Opere, Alicia: YES |
Thom, Christopher: No Vote |
Engers, Maxim: No Vote |
Macko, Stephen: NO |
West, June: YES |
Fitz-Gerald, Jim: YES |
Makarova, Katya: No Vote |
Whittle, Mark: ABSTAIN |
Fox, Jay: No Vote |
Mangunta, Venkat: No Vote |
Wright, Brian: YES |
Ghosh, Avik: NO |
Manning, Carol: No Vote |
Young, Jeff: YES |
Gregg, Vanessa: YES |
Mixon, Alyssa: No Vote |
Yount, Kenan: No Vote |
Grissom, Douglas: NO |
Neeley, Kathryn: YES |
Zaydfudim, Victor: No Vote |
Hallowell, Peter: No Vote |
Norton, Peter: NO |
Hamilton, Jack: NO |
Role Call Vote (listed above)
For: 24
Against: 23
Abstain: 3
Discussion on the original amendment continues
Michelle Kisliuk: Move to table amendment #5.
Second: Aniko Bodroghkozy
Discussion on the motion
For: 27
Against: 18
Abstain: 0
Bylaw amendment #5 is tabled
Meeting Adjourned
Motion to Adjourn: Tish Jennings
Second: Kevin Lehmann
Approved by General Consent
Meeting adjourned: 3:00pm
Post-Meeting Online Voting
Resolution from the DEI Committee
For: 37 Against: 15 Abstain: 9
Bylaw Amendment 1: Change in Minimum Senators per School
For: 54 Against: 6 Abstain: 1
Bylaw Amendment 2: Change in Senate Chair Seat Surrendering
For: 54 Against: 2 Abstain: 5
Bylaw Amendment 3: Change in Proxies
For: 56 Against: 3 Abstain: 2
Bylaw Amendment 4: Change in Start Date of Senate Terms
For: 57 Against: 1 Abstain: 3