

Executive Council

The Executive Council, as specified in the Constitution, has the responsibility for determining and publishing the number of Senate seats to which each school is entitled, setting the agenda for the meetings of the Senate, appointing members and chairs of standing and ad hoc committees, and acting on behalf of the Senate when there is a need for prompt action.

The Executive Council’s activities are central to making the Faculty Senate a substantial partner in University planning. Each spring the Council will organize a meeting to consider major institutional issues and will select a few for consideration by the Senate in the following academic year. Prior to the beginning of each academic year, the Council will meet with the President and Provost to review emerging institutional planning issues and to discuss priorities for the agenda in the year ahead. The Council will report on and/or propose to the Senate action on matters of university planning that affect the academic, physical, and aesthetic resources, issues, and policies of the University. The Council will serve as the coordinator for the Senate’s role in the implementation of the University’s Self-Study and will similarly review the implementation of recommendations of other standing and ad hoc committees. The Council will advise and consult with the President on matters pertaining to the University’s relationship to the Commonwealth and other external bodies. As necessary the Council will appoint ad hoc or standing committees to assist in the performance of its duties. The Council or a subcommittee will annually offer suggestions for nominations to the Board of Visitors.


Huiwang Ai

Chair: Research, Teaching, & Scholarship Committee

School of Medicine

Ian B. Baucom

Ex Officio

Executive Vice-President and Provost

Aaron Bloomfield


School of Engineering & Applied Science

Maïté Brandt-Pearce


Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs

Jennifer (J.J.) Wagner Davis


Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

Brie Gertler


Vice Provost for Academic Affairs

Jennifer R. Greeson

Co-Chair: Finance Committee

Associate Professor
College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences

Peter T. Hallowell

Chair: Grievance Committee

School of Medicine

Michael J. Kennedy

Past-Chair of the Faculty Senate

School of Education & Human Development

Bradley W. Kesser

Chair: Faculty Recruitment, Retention, Retirement, & Welfare Committee

School of Medicine

James H. Lambert

Chair of the Faculty Senate

Janet Scott Hamilton and John Downman Hamilton Professor
School of Engineering & Applied Science

Alicia López Operé

Co-Chair: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

Associate Professor
College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences

Ian Mullins

Ex Officio

Assistant Professor
College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences

Andrew S. Pennock


Assistant Professor
Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy

Lisa Colosi Peterson

Chair: Policy Committee

Assistant Professor
School of Engineering and Applied Science

Brian Pusser


Associate Professor
School of Education and Human Developement

Eric Ramírez-Weaver

At Large | Chair: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

Associate Professor
College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences

James E. Ryan



Sue Saliba

At-Large | Co-Chair: Academic Affairs Committee

School of Education and Human Developement

James D. Savage


College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences

Jeri K. Seidman

Chair-Elect of the Faculty Senate

Paul Goodloe McIntire Associate Professor
McIntire School of Commerce

Jessica E. Sewell


School of Architecture

Brian Wright

Co-Chair: Academic Affairs Committee

Assistant Professor
School of Data Science

Upcoming Events

02/10/2025 - 3:30pm to 4:30pm
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02/28/2025 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm
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Madison Hall President's Conference Room

04/11/2025 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm
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Madison Hall President's Conference Room
